Finding a home is easy.
Buying a home is hard.
We’re here to help you with the hard part.
We protect your money (and your sanity)
It’s very easy to overpay for a home right now. But how do you know what’s enough, and what’s too much? Tens of thousands of dollars hinge on the answer to that question, and we’re prepared to help you answer it.
We’ll help you get it right.
That means due diligence, a fancy legal term for being careful. How do you know if a foundation issue is really an issue, or if the roof can really last another 10 years, as the seller claims? And what about local zoning ordinances? Is homeowners or flood insurance widely available for this home?
We’ll fight for you.
A real estate agent who represents a seller has a legal responsibility to their client to get as much of your money as possible, on the terms least favorable to you.
Our job is to have you keep as much of your money as possible, and secure the terms that work best for you.
You deserve representation, too.
Contact us.
(843) 310-235